
Erasmus+ è il programma dell’UE per l’istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport in Europa.
Il programma Erasmus+ si propone di contribuire alla strategia Europa 2020 per la crescita, l’occupazione, l’equità sociale e l’integrazione, nonché ai traguardi di ET2020, il quadro strategico dell’UE per l’istruzione e la formazione.
Il programma intende inoltre promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile dei suoi partner nel campo dell’istruzione superiore e contribuire al conseguimento degli obiettivi della strategia dell’UE per la gioventù.

Erasmus per giovani imprenditori è un programma di scambio transfrontaliero che offre ai nuovi imprenditori – o aspiranti tali – l’opportunità di imparare i segreti del mestiere da professionisti già affermati che gestiscono piccole o medie imprese in un altro paese partecipante al programma.

Lo scambio di esperienze avviene nell’ambito di un periodo di lavoro presso la sede dell’imprenditore esperto, il quale aiuta il nuovo imprenditore ad acquisire le competenze necessarie a gestire una piccola impresa.

Erasmus+ sostiene i tirocini (esperienza lavorativa, apprendistato, ecc.) all’estero per gli studenti iscritti a un corso di laurea triennale e magistrale e per i dottorandi nei paesi partecipanti al programma. Anche i neolaureati possono accedere a queste opportunità.

Seguendo un tirocinio all’estero con il programma Erasmus+, non solo puoi migliorare le tue capacità di comunicazione e le competenze linguistiche e interculturali, ma puoi anche acquisire abilità trasversali particolarmente apprezzate dai futuri datori di lavoro e sviluppare uno spirito imprenditoriale.


Dal 2017, l’Associazione ‘μicrokosmos’ accetta studenti/studentesse dall’ Università degli Studi di Torino, ed in particolare dai corsi di laurea in Lettere, in Scienze della Comunicazione, in Turismo etc, per svolgere il loro tirocinio:

  • nella gestione dei social media dell’organizzazione (Social Media Manager Assistant)·
  • nella stesura di programmi europei (Erasmus+ KA1, KA2) (European Projects Assistant Writer)·
  • nel coordinamento e nella gestione dei Programmi Europei (Erasmus+ KA1, KA2) (Project Manager Assistant)·
  • nell’organizzazione di eventi culturali e di seminari di formazione.
  • nella redazione di testi nella casa editrice dell’organizzazione.

Programmi approvati

DEEP Learning


The DEEP Learning project brings innovative insights to the teaching process, providing new approaches for addressing the several target groups.  Improved practices are used to provide for the needs of target groups, promoting the inclusion of students with educational difficulties and other disabilities. DEEP Learning will support digital transformation of primary and secondary schools, increasing the capacity of these institutions to move forward in the new digital era. Our main goal is to create active learning opportunities in formal and non-formal education institutions, through the use of innovative learning approaches.

EUth Voices for Social Change


The “EUth Voices for Social Change” projects aims to instill in participants a sense of power to be visible and heard not just locally or nationally, but also at the European level, as active members of a larger and worldwide community.

Project’s objectives:

To empower youth
To educate youngsters
Τo increase young people’s sense of initiative
Τo raise awarenesss



CeNEET, is the acronym of “Circular Economy as an employability tool for NEET population’’, which is an Erasmus+ Key Action 3, European Youth Together project funded by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission.

The aim of the project is to encourage and equip NEET people (not in education, employment or training) to seize the opportunities of the circular economy and related practices of re-use, repair, up-cycling etc. in order not only to find employment but also to become active in environmentally sustainable work practices and opportunities that will open up in their countries the next years. The main project’s objective is to support and promote green skills to NEET populations in order to help them accumulate in the work market with a green and environmentally friendly mindset. 



Access to cultural heritage is not only a basic human right, but also a fundamental strategy for enhancing and promoting cultural heritage. Cultural heritage accessibility for all is a multidisciplinary field that is not widely taught in the different European curricula. It is relevant to fields such as museology, special education, pedagogy, cultural heritage interpretation, archaeology, history, art, architecture, inclusive and universal design, and ICT. Most of them are separate disciplines that should work hand in hand when it comes to accessibility from cultural heritage, but they mostly work in isolation and do not have a common teaching practise for the needs of people with disabilities. As a result, professionals who take jobs in museums and galleries are not equipped with the knowledge and experience to make their environments more engaging and accessible.



The current complex and diverse reality in European schools in terms of students’ cultural background, economic status and social inequalities opens up a whole new field of study to address diversity, inclusion and children’s background (in every sense) during schooling. Many schools have identified a lack of knowledge about the cognitive, social and emotional development process among their professionals.

The WE ARE COLOURFUL project focuses on preventing, identifying and reducing the problems that arise in classrooms due to differences between students.

Throughout the project, partners will be focusing on 4 independent but interacting categories of discriminating dimensions:

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Learning processes and styles
  • Cultural diversity
  • Social inequality



The specific objectives are to:

  1. Develop the capacity of educators, trainers, integration advisers in the six partner countries by exchanging good practices through the promotion of skills acquired in mobility, with the involvement of companies in mobility and through their support for the public after their Erasmus + experience, or any else international experience.
  2. Reinforce the skills, training and mentoring competences of adult educators, trainers, social counsellors and tutors to boost vocational and social inclusion of their public, by developing a Guide of Good Practices.
  3. Improve adult learners access to the labor market by enhancing and capitalizing on their new soft, vocational, intercultural, language skills, acquired during their mobility. By meeting others learners and organizations who are involved in the field of mentoring NEET and jobseekers.
  4. Raise awareness of the labour market, the companies involved, international experience, the benefits and to promote the Erasmus+ programme to the business world. 5- Create a network of professionals in the field of formal and non-formal education who work with this target group and/or on Erasmus + mobility. These objectives match with the priorities published by the 2021 Program Guide with, the priority to promote an even more inclusive Erasmus +.



Stories4ALL aims to support the educational community (students, teachers, and families) to explore alternative learning pathways that focus on the development and flourishing of creativity and digital skills, as well as the social inclusion of students with visual impairments (VI). In addition, the project aims to strengthen the sense of solidarity and active citizenship for the entire educational community and the broader public. The project will achieve its goals by combining elements of inclusion, creativity, and digital technologies such as image design/editing, digital story creation tools, and 3D printing.



The inclusion of disadvantaged audiences remains a major challenge for the museum sector. Inclusion starts with the question of accessibility. This does not stop at the accessibility of the buildings and the adaptation of visits for disabled visitors. It also involves the presentation of the content and with the development of online museum offers, digital devices and adapted settings which can prove to be a tremendous asset for people who have little or no access to culture, if done inclusively. For those with reading difficulties, for people with DYS (dyslexia), learning disabilities, visual, hearing or intellectual disabilities, artworks are still difficult to access.

Team of Art proposes to accompany these audiences in their discovery of artworks through a scripted presentation, in the form of a linear narrative, with a level of language which is easy to read and understand.

Impulsive Music Activities to Promote Intercultural Relations


Main goal:

to offer impulsive and innovative music activities for young people to improve their skills and competences

Main characteristics:

Interprofessional cooperation between musicians and youth workers

Intercultural activities for young people’s communities

International communication through music

Erasmus+ Projects
Young Entrepreneurs