
Ο οδηγός «EASY PATHS» συγκεντρώνει και παρουσιάζει τα πιο προσβάσιμα* μουσεία της Θεσσαλονίκης, συγκεντρώνοντας σύντομες και χρηστικές πληροφορίες για μια επίσκεψη πολιτιστικού ενδιαφέροντος στην πόλη.
Ο οδηγός δημιουργήθηκε από τη Χρυσοβαλάντω Βέργου, στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Erasmus+ Placement, ενώ την εικαστική επιμέλεια ανέλαβε η ΚοινΣΕπ MYARTIST. Το εξώφυλλο και το οπισθόφυλλο επιμελήθηκε η Ρωξάνη Ντουρανίδου.
Πρόκειται για έναν κατάλογο των πιο προσβάσιμων μουσείων, με οδηγίες και χρήσιμες συμβουλές για τον τρόπο άφιξης και μετακίνησης. Στόχος του η διευκόλυνση των ατόμων με αναπηρία, συμβάλλοντας πρακτικά στο δικαίωμα τους για προσβασιμότητα στην πολιτιστική κληρονομιά.
Ακριβώς λόγω του συμπεριληπτικού του χαρακτήρα, ο οδηγός μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί από οποιοδήποτε άτομο το επιθυμεί, ενώ μελλοντική επιδίωξη είναι να αποτελέσει καλή πρακτική και για άλλους χώρους πολιτισμού ανά τη χώρα.
Όπως επισημαίνεται και στην αρχή του “EASY PATHS”, αναπηρία μπορεί να σημαίνει κάποια σωματική ή ψυχική έλλειψη, αλλά σε καμία περίπτωση δε σημαίνει ανεπάρκεια. Αφορμή για τη δημιουργία του ήταν η κάλυψη της “ανεπάρκειας” της κοινωνίας απέναντι στα ΑμεΑ – ως μια δράση ενίσχυσης της κοινωνικής συμπερίληψης.

This book aims to present the main representatives of Modern Greek poetry from the early 20th century to the present. 
During this time frame, four poetic periods -which correspond to four periods of Modern Greek history- are being observed: the early 20th century, the inter-war era, the post-war and, finally, the era of Greece’s recent regime transition to democracy. 
Seven poets (men and women) have been chosen to represent each era. A short biography along with audiovisual material accompanies select samples from their work. The choice was made primarily based on their visibility, with the utmost respect for their legacy. There was no intent to exclude other significant representatives of each poetic generation, however, for the sake of brevity we decided not to present all of them. There are relevant generations in Greek prose as well, but our focus here has been exclusively on poetry.
This is a guide addressed to those learning the Greek language (level B2-C1) who would like to become familiar with Modern Greek poetry, as well as to those who want to have an initial contact with poets, men and women, who left their mark on Greek literature and, more generally, on Greek culture and society.

“Long distances” (Μακρινές αποστάσεις in Greek) is Peni Papoutsi’s first collection of poems, which was published electronically by μicrokosmos.
It consists of selected poems written by the actress who became known to the public through her leading roles at the National Theatre and they are the result of her feelings through time. She tried to show with words all the things that surrounded and marked her in an effort to decipher the emotional traits caused by her experiences.

“They are the mirror of my glance on whatever hurt me and redeemed me. In this way I wanted to communicate them because I believe that we can all find common places and souls open and interdependent.”

Queste opere rappresentano il periodo della ricerca di un nuovo linguaggio ove le strutture architettoniche che provengono dall’antichità greco – romana, hanno un importante significato nella costruzione di un “topos” dove gli edifici sono gli “attori” principali dell’opera. Giorgio de Chirico, per compore queste opere, segue i canoni di composizione classica (Sezione Aurea, simmetria, proporzioni) e devono essere considerate, come anche de Chirico le chiama, il “preludio” dell’arte Metafisica che avrà inizio nel 1910 con il dipinto Melanconia.

Sicuramente le idee architettoniche e le planimetrie dei dipinti di de Chirico hanno influenzato l’architettura del ventesimo secolo. Nella maggior parte dei casi questa volontà di ricreare gli spazi “metafisici”, nella realtà resta solo una “buona intenzione”.

Il presente lavoro è incentrato su una diacronica analisi della Medea di Euripide. Si indagherà innanzitutto la storia del testo euripideo e del personaggio stesso di Medea all’interno del mondo antico. Verrà quindi analizzata la natura dell’opera al fine di metterne in luce gli aspetti più caratteristici sul piano contenutistico e linguistico, con particolare attenzione ai vari elementi filologici, sintattici e lessicali. Si giungerà poi a un sistematico confronto tra l’originale e le sue principali traduzioni edite in contesto neogreco. Questa diacronica comparazione endolinguistica verrà poi estesa, all’interno di una duplice appendice, anche ad altre due celebri tragedie dell’antichità classica: le Supplici di Eschilo e l’Antigone di Sofocle. Relativamente a queste due opere, il lavoro verterà soprattutto su temi strettamente grammaticali e offrirà da un lato l’occasione di estendere il presente metodo di analisi a più testi, dall’altro la possibilità di indagare ulteriori aspetti dell’evoluzione della lingua greca.

Welcome to the “International Sign: A practical kit”!

This is a multilingual e-book, open to everyone; Deaf and Hearing persons, from any country.
This is not a complete course of the language but, as the name suggests, it aims to be ready to use, available in every situation and practical, like a handbag with everything we need in it.

Since the best way to learn a language is to use it and all attempts to have sign languages in a written form have failed, new technologies can help us. In particular, an e-book shares some characteristics with sign languages: it is visual, dynamic, innovative, interactive, always up-to-date, so it can be a great tool in order to learn this language. It is accessible in every aspect because it is suitable for everyone and really economic. This kind of technology allows constant and immediate updating, so as to keep up with the changes of a living language and a living culture, such as the Deaf culture! The structure is simple and immediately comprehensible. It is divided into thematic chapters and the grammar structure is shown through examples of some easy sentences.