About us


The organisation μicrokosmos is of a non-profit character and its aim is:
  1. to promote and spread the greek culture, both classical and modern, on a national and international level.
  2. to promote artistic creation and Interculturalism.
  3. to promote collaboration with government and local authorities in order to boost social integration and fight discriminations.
  4. to promote cultural accessibility through adapting and transcribing the cultural, scientific and legal texts.
  5. to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN with special emphasis on eliminating extreme poverty (1st goal), ensuring quality education (4th goal), achieving gender equality (5th goal) and promoting decent work for all (8th goal).
  6. to promote cultural, social and educational initiative in order to spread knowledge and promote Social Sciences and Humanities.
  7. to promote publishing activity through releasing and / or distributing books, multimedia tools, studies or researches.
  8. to promote and certify the learning of the Greek language according to the standards set by the Greek Language Center.
  9. to promote and organize training activities (seminars, conferences, training and educational courses, labs, training workshops etc.).
  10. to collaborate by all means with institutional bodies for funding scientific and cultural research in Europe.
Italo-Hellenic Cultural Association for Education


Name and location

Art. 1) Pursuant to the Law of 11 August 1991 no. 266 and of the norms of the civil code on the subject of associations, the Volunteering Association called Italo-Hellenic Cultural Association for Education “Microkosmos” is constituted.

The Association assumes the status of “Volunteer Organization”; once acquired the registration in the General Regional Register of Voluntary Organizations, the Association will be considered ONLUS (non-profit organization of social utility) according to and for the purposes of to the art.10 and following of the D. Lgs. 4 December 1997 n. 460.

The Microkosmos Association was created by the will of some Greek citizens who have done, in years and for different reasons, of Piedmont and Turin their place of habitual life, and by some Italians passionate of Hellenic art and culture citizens united by a strong solidarity and humanitarian vocation.

The Association, inspired by the principles of social solidarity, operates with an interdisciplinary approach for the cultural growth of the person – of any ethnic group and origin – by promoting instruments ofinterpretation of the different artistic and socio-cultural realities.

The Association, that wants to investigate reality and, with a critical approach, the cultural and social situation of the moment, will activate, favor and coordinate activities and initiatives connected to the social purpose maintaining relations with local and Greek people and organizations and other European and non-European countries, to favor the diffusion of artistic manifestations, to encourage the contamination between cultures and different arts with the aim of building bonds and common social cultural substrates for the best integration of people and communities.

It is an autonomous and pluralist voluntary association that operates in the field of culture, of the music, cinema, theater, sociality, solidarity, education for the human and civil promotion, and of civic monitoring through the associative form, and is based on the principles of equality, freedom and solidarity.

Art. 2) The Association has its registered office in Turin (TO), Via Napione n.33 / A.


Art. 3) The Association does not pursue profit goals and prohibits distribution, even in indirect form, of income, profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the association itself, unless the destination or distribution is imposed by law.

Profits or operating surpluses are used exclusively for carrying out the insistutions’ activities and  those directly connected to them.

Art. 4) The Association pursues the following purposes:

  • promote and disseminate the classical and modern hellenic culture at national and international level;
  • investigate and favor artistic creativity and aesthetic criticism in relation to the research of the peace and the integration between people of different cultures and backgrounds;
  • promote and support cultural, musical and artistic initiatives aimed at schools and young people, even from distant countries, as means of expression, growth and integration of individuals, to increase intercultural skills;
  • promote cooperation with public bodies and other realities of the territory, in order to develop collaborations and integrate specific skills in favor of the community, with particular attention to the fight against discrimination and to the enhancement of people’s skills and resources, for the protagonism and the empowerment of the individual;
  • promote cultural accessibility, including through the adaptation and transcription of cultural, linguistic and legislative texts to make them universally frienable;
  • work to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 2030 aimed at combating poverty, eliminating hunger and fighting climate change, to name but a few;
  • promote cultural and social activities and educational / training initiatives with the aim of spreading the knowledge and enhancement of human and social sciences;
  • promote the publishing activity with the publication and / or distribution of books, magazines, music, multimedia works, videos, theatrical performances, conference proceedings, seminars, studies and research done, using any medium and medium, physical and / o digital, present and future;
  • promote and certify the learning of the Hellenic language, according to the standards of the Hellenic Language Center;
  • promote education activities (seminars and conferences, refresher courses and refinement courses, working group institutions, training days, etc.) for teaching staff in the field of human and social sciences (psychology, pedagogy, educational sciences, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, etc.) and other types of professionals if interested in deepening skills in the humanistic and social areas;
  • promote scientific and cultural research activities in human and social sciences at national and international level, also encouraging forms of coordination between those carrying out research at the University and in research institutions;
  • provide, directly or indirectly, assistance, advice, training and dissemination to the bodies involved and involved in issues falling within the Human Sciences;
  • to favor, also in collaboration with related associations, private institutions and local authorities (Local Health Authorities, Municipalities, Provinces, schools, etc.), contacts between research in Human Sciences and social, educational, cultural and productive reality;
  • promote the dissemination of knowledge and scientific updating through organizing or participating as a partner in meetings, events, meetings, congresses, seminars, round tables, workshops;
  • collaborate, in all the necessary ways and forms, with the bodies that are institutionally responsible for the address and financing of scientific and cultural research in Europe;
  • collaborate, in all the necessary ways and forms, and with national organizations and international organizations for the promotion, guidance and funding of scientific and cultural research;
  • supporting the preparation of young researchers, both by providing appropriate training opportunities and by means of incentives and support (such as funding and grants for scholarships and research);

Furthermore, the Association may carry out ancillary activities, which are considered integrative and functional to the development of the institutional activity, and marginal commercial and productive activities established by the D.M. 25 May 1995 and subsequent amendments and additions.

In order to carry out its activities the Association uses decisively and prevalently personal, voluntary and free services of their members.


Art. 5) The duration of the Association is unlimited and it can be dissolved only by resolution of the Extraordinary Assembly of Associates.


Art. 6) All members can be members of the Association (without any distinction of sex, race, ideas and religion) that, sharing their spirit and ideals, intend to commit themselves personally to the achievement of the purposes set forth in this Statute. All services provided by members are free except for any reimbursement of expenses actually incurred and documented, according to suitable parameters valid for all members, previously established by the Board Directive and approved by the Assembly.

There are 5 categories of members:

  • founders (members who have deliberated the establishment of the Association and who are mentioned in the Constitutive Act. They pay the registration fee annually established by the Assembly)
  • ordinary (all members who are admitted to the prior association are considered as such presentation of the application and which will be submitted to the scrutiny and to the approval of the management bodies, whose judgment is unquestionable, according to the procedures established by the Regulation. They pay the registration fee annually established by the Assembly)
  • volunteers (they pay the annual registration fee set by the Assembly and lend their work in a personal and free way)
  • supporters (beyond the ordinary quota, they provide extraordinary voluntary contributions)
  • meritorious (persons appointed as such by the Assembly for particular merits acquired in favor of the Association)

The associative relationship and the associative modalities are aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the relationship same; therefore participation in the association life cannot be temporary.

Public and / or private organizations participate in the person of their representative.

Art. 7) Admission to the Association is deliberated by the Board of Directors upon request of the aspiring partner. Applications for admission to a member submitted by minors must be countersigned by the operator the parental authority. The parent who signs the application represents the minor to all effects against the Association and responds to the same for all obligations of a minor associate.

Art. 8) All members have the right to:

  • participate in all the activities promoted by the Association;
  • participate in the life of the association, expressing its vote in the registered offices, also for the approval and amendments to the Bylaws and any regulations;
  • enjoy the active and passive electorate for the appointment of the Governing Bodies Association.

The minor members do not have the right to active and passive voting, as better specified in the art. 16 of the present Statute.

Art. 9) The members have the obligation to observe the Statute, to respect the decisions of the Bodies of the association and to match the membership fees. These fees are not transmissible either revalued.

Art. 10) The status of member is not temporary and is lost due to voluntary resignation, expulsion, death.

The resignation from a member must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors.

Expulsion is scheduled when the member fails to comply with the provisions of these Articles of Association and of any regulations, make him arrogant or put in place behaviors that cause material damage or to the image of the Association. The expulsion is decided by the Board of Directors, by an absolute majority of its members, and communicated by letter to the interested member. Against the aforesaid provision, the interested member may appeal within 30 days from the date of communication of the expulsion; the appeal will be examined by the Assembly in the first ordinary meeting.

Art. 11) The loss, in any case, of the quality of a member does not give the right to the return of the amount paid to the Association.

Art. 12) The death of the member does not confer on the heirs any right in the association.

Shareholders’ Meeting

Art. 13) The Bodies of the Association are: the Assembly of Members, the Board of Directors and the President.

Art. 14) The Assembly of Members is the sovereign body of the Association; it is made up of all the members for which this qualification exists at the time of the convocation and can be ordinary or extraordinary.

Art. 15) The Assembly is convened by the President at least once a year within four months from the end of the financial year for the approval of the annual financial statement and, in any case, whenever the Board of Directors deems it appropriate, or when a request is made by at least 3/4 of the members, provided they meet the payment of the membership fees.

The meeting must be convened at least 10 days before the date of the meeting by sending an e-mail / paper letter and publishing the notice on the homepage of the Association’s website / posting the notice in a visible manner on the premises in which the associative activities are carried out. The notice of call must contain the day, time and place of the first and second convocation, as well as the agenda.

Art. 16) All the adult members may attend the (ordinary or extraordinary) Shareholders’ Meeting, with voting rights, provided they meet the payment of the membership fees; each member has one vote. Minor members and those who exercise parental authority or protection have the right to receive the convocation of the Assembly and to be able to attend, but have no right to speak or to vote active or passive.

Proxy intervention is allowed to be conferred in writing exclusively to another member. Each member can not have more than one proxy.

The votes of the Assembly will take place, on the indication of the same, by a show of hands, by roll call or by secret ballot.

Art. 17) The following tasks are assigned to the Assembly:


  • approve the economic-financial report of the past year;
  • elect the President and the Board of Directors, establishing the number of members;
  • to elect substitutes for members of the Board of Directors who may resign;
  • deliberate on any other topic of an ordinary nature and of general interest placed on the agenda.


  • deliberate on the transformation, merger and dissolution of the Association;
  • to deliberate on the proposed modifications of the Statute;
  • deliberate on any other topic of an extraordinary nature and of general interest placed on the agenda.

Art. 18) The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, who nominates a secretary from among the members, is validly constituted on first call with the presence of 50% plus one of the members, on second call whatever the number of members present.

The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting validly resolves, both in first and second call, with a majority of 50% plus one of those present on all the issues on the agenda.

At least one hour must elapse between the first and the second call.

Art. 19) The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting is chaired by a Chairman appointed by the Assembly itself by a simple majority, who in turn nominates a minute-member in the minutes.

To amend the deed of incorporation and the bylaws, the Extraordinary General Meeting is validly constituted with the presence of at least three quarters of the members and passes resolutions with a majority of 50% plus one of those present.

To deliberate the dissolution of the Association and the devolution of the patrimony, it is necessary the favorable vote of at least three quarters of the associates.

Art. 20) All the resolutions of the Shareholders ‘Meeting and the reports, as well as being duly recorded in the minutes of the Shareholders’ Meetings, are publicized to the shareholders with the exhibition for 10 days after approval at the Association’s headquarters.

Board of Directors and President

Art. 21) The Board of Directors is the executive and management body of the Association and is elected by the Assembly every 4 years. It consists of a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 15 members, including the President who is a member by right. The members of the Board are re-eligible and all offices are free of charge. The Board of Directors can be revoked by the Assembly Members; it will remain in office anyway until the election of the new one. In case of resignation of a member of the Board of Directors, the first of the non-elected is co-opted.

One or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer will be appointed within the Board of Directors. The President, who has the legal representation of the Association, may be delegated part of the powers due to the Board of Directors.

The Directors may not hold the same office in Associations of a similar nature.

Art. 22) The Board of Directors is endowed with the widest powers for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Association. In particular, the Board of Directors compete:

  • decisions regarding ordinary and extraordinary expenses, of exercise and in capital, for the management of the Association;
  • decisions relating to the institutional, complementary and commercial activities and services to be undertaken for the best achievement of the institutional goals of the Association;
  • decisions regarding the management of employees and the coordination of the employees collaborators and professionals of which the Association avails itself;
  • the annual preparation of the economic-financial report to be submitted to the approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting within four months of the end of the financial year;
  • the preparation of the annual report on the activities carried out and the objectives achieved to be submitted to the Assembly;
  • the presentation of a programmatic plan related to the activities to be carried out in the new social year;
  • the setting of the social quotas;
  • the right to appoint, among the members external to the Board, the delegates to carry out particular functions established from time to time by the Board itself;
  • the drafting and approval of the Administrative Regulations and the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association to be submitted to the subsequent approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting;
  • the resolution on the admission of new members;
  • any function that the bylaws or laws do not attribute to other bodies.

Art. 23) The Board of Directors meets at least twice a year or whenever the President or a majority of members will deem it necessary. The convocations of the Council must be made by written notice to be sent at least 10 days before the date of the meeting; this notice must contain the agenda, date, time and place of the meeting.

The meetings of the Board of Directors are in single call, are valid with the presence of at least the majority of its members and are chaired by the President or, in his absence, by a director designated by those present. In the event of a tie vote, the President’s vote prevails.

The meetings and the resolutions of the Board are recorded in the minutes signed by the Chairman and the Secretary.

Art.24) The President has the signature and legal and judicial representation of the Association. It is elected by the Assembly of members, together with the members of the Board of Directors, every 4 years.

He presides over the Assembly and the Board of Directors and provides for the convening, supervises the implementation of the deliberations of the Assembly and the Board of Directors and, in cases of urgency, can exercise the powers of the Board of Directors unless ratified by the latter at the first useful meeting.

Art. 25) The Vice President assists or replaces the President in case of absence or impediment.

Art. 26) The Board of Directors decays by contemporaneous resignation of half plus one of its members. In this case the President or, in the event of his impediment, the Vice-President or, in the alternative, the eldest Director, must convene the Extraordinary Assembly within fifteen days and be held within the next thirty by taking care of the ordinary administration.

Secretary and Treasurer

Art. 27) The Secretary draws up the minutes of the meetings of the corporate bodies and takes care of the keeping of the relative books and registers. It is also up to him to provide for the negotiations necessary for the purchase of the means and services decided by the Board of Directors and to prepare and maintain the relative contracts and orders. It also provides for the payment of expenses, verifying their regularity and authorizing the Treasurer to pay for the payment.

Art. 28) The Treasurer presides over the administrative and accounting management of the Association by drafting the accounting records, ensuring the correct performance of tax and social security obligations and preparing, in concert with the other members of the Board, the annual report in economic and financial terms . He also provides for the formal transactions for the collection and payment of expenses deliberated by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer also has the function of periodically checking the results of the financial accounts of cash, bank, and receivables debts and the exercise of debt recovery operations due.

Art. 29) The functions of Secretary and Treasurer can also be conferred on the same person. If they are attributed to different persons, the Administrative Regulation may provide that in the event that the Treasurer is prevented from performing his functions, or in the event of resignation or revocation of the same, the functions of the latter are assumed, for the time necessary to remove the causes of impediment, or to proceed to a new appointment, by the Secretary or Vice-President. The Secretary, temporarily prevented, or resigning or revoked, is replaced in the same manner by the Treasurer or Vice-President.

Capital and financial year

Art. 30) The patrimony of the Association consists of:

  • movable and immovable property owned by the Association;
  • membership fees and contributions from sympathizers;
  • contributions from individuals, the State, organizations, international organizations, public institutions aimed at supporting specific and documented activities or projects;
  • donations and bequests;
  • refunds deriving from agreements;
  • income deriving from any marginal commercial and production activities;
  • any other entry that for any reason is received by the Association.

Art. 31) The Association is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits or management surpluses, however denominated, as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the association itself, unless the destination or distribution are taxed By law.

The Association has the obligation to use the profits or the management surpluses for the realization of the institutional activities and of those directly connected to them.

Art. 32) The social year and the financial year go from 01/01 to 31/12 of each year. The Board of Directors must prepare the economic and financial statement to be submitted to the approval of the Shareholders’ Meeting within four months of the end of the financial year. The economic report financial, in addition to providing a truthful and correct representation of the patrimonial, economic and financial situation of the Association, with a distinction between that related to the institutional activity and that related to the activities directly connected, must contain a brief description of the assets, contributions and bequests received .

Regardless of the preparation of the annual financial statement, the Association, for any occasional public fund raising activity carried out in conjunction with celebrations, anniversaries, or awareness campaigns, draws up a separate and separate report within four months from the end of the financial year. which must result, even by means of an illustrative report, in a clear and transparent manner, the income and expenses related to each of said celebration, recurrence or awareness campaign.


Art. 33) The dissolution of the Association is deliberated by the Extraordinary Assembly of the members upon proposal of the Board of Directors, which will also appoint the liquidators.

The remaining assets will be donated to other Voluntary Organizations operating in the same or similar sector, or for public benefit purposes, having heard the control body referred to in art. 3, paragraph 190 of the law 23.12.96, n. 662, subject to different destination imposed by law.

Final rules

Art. 34) The decision on any controversy that could arise between the members, or between them and the association or the organs of the same, except those that by law are not compromisible with arbitrators, will be referred to the judgment of three arbitrators, of which two to be nominated by each of the contending parties, and the third by mutual agreement. In the event of failure to reach agreement, the Board of Directors will appoint the president of the court where the association is based to execute the appointment of the third arbitrator.

Art. 35) For anything not expressly provided for by the present Statute, reference is made to the current legislative provisions on the matter, with particular reference to the Civil Code, to the Law of 11 August 1991, n. 266 and to the regional legislation on volunteering, and to their possible variations.

The present Statute has been approved by the founding members to the Constitutive Act.

The annual fee for becoming an ordinary member of the association amounts to 20€.

The payment of the annual fee can be made at the headquarters of the association or by bank transfer to the current account:
IBAN: IT53T0503401003000000000832
Account holder: MICROKOSMOS 

Please download and fill in the following documents:
Application for Registration
GDPR Regulation

You can deliver the documents personally, together with a copy of an identity card or you can send the scanned documents to the email:info@microkosmos.org